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SIPEZY® Stainless Drinking Straw is the brainchild of branding and PR and branding expert Anne Leedom. While sipping on a smoothie, the frustration of a clogged staw became overwhelming. Anne realized something had to be done and began her journey of creating a clog-free straw.


After researching and discovering a total lack of clog-free straws in the marketplace, she went to work on creating a prototype, securing intellectual property and working with Rachel and a soon to be growing team to create SIPEZY®, the world's first and only clog-free stainless drinking straw.


SIPEZY® Stainless Drinking Straw is committed to changing the landscape of single use straws. Inspiring people globally to use more effective, sustainable options that will replace plastic and other single use straws cluttering up our landfills and ultimately destroying our oceans. 


SIPEZY®  and SIPEZY Living introduces innovative content and technology into a rapidly growing market that will address a concern as yet untapped to help create a demand for sustainable straws and reduce the use of single use straws.


SIPEZY® is founded on the principle of creating innovative eco-friendly, simple and fun strategies and technology for new approaches to achieve wellness. SIPEZY Living provides a powerful platform to help elevate the wellness niche with new and inspiring ways to demonstrate that achieving wellness can be fun... and easy!


We will provide simple, easy to implement tips and strategies, along with the latest research to provide an exciting new path to discovering what wellness really is and how to achieve it daily.


SIPEZY Living provides innovation through new technology and a strong commitment to environmental responsibility.


We are building a growing wellness community via social media and online portals, and a ‘giving back’ model to support eco-friendly charities. Our goal is to create a fun, surprising and innovative EcoSphere to encourage and achieve wellness.


SIPEZY® is a woman/family owned company and is based in Northern California. 


Clog-free sipping...Clog-free living. Its finally here!



Green Juice Prep
Sea Turtle
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